Bill Analysis

HB 2776 87(R) - 2021 HB 2776 would allow a majority of the registered voters in an area of a municipality's ETJ and that is subject to a legal determination that the municipality failed to provide or agree to provide adequate services to the area, to petition the municipality to release the area from the municipality’s extraterritorial jurisdiction. This bill would also allow a majority of registered voters in a real estate subdivision to petition...Read More
HB 2710 87(R) - 2021 HB 2710 would exempt a water right permit or portion of a permit, certified filing, or certificate of adjudication from cancellation if nonuse resulted from an executed forbearance agreement that promotes restoration, preservation, or enhancement of instream flows and was entered into by the holder of the permit, certified filing, or certificate of adjudication.Read More
HB 788 87(R) - 2021 HB 788 would add emergency dispatchers to the list of eligible participants in the public safety employees treatment court program.Read More
HB 4487 87(R) - 2021 HB 4487 would create a new tuition assistance grant program for adult learners at public institutions of higher education who meet certain eligibility requirements. Specific parameters of the grant program are specified in the bill. Read More
HB 2081 87(R) - 2021 HB 2081 would create a Class A misdemeanor if a person with criminal negligence operates a motor vehicle within the area of a crosswalk that causes bodily injury to a pedestrian or person operating a bicycle, motor-assisted scooter, electronic personal assistive mobility device, neighborhood electric vehicle, or a golf cart.Read More
HB 2147 87(R) - 2021 Under current law, driving with an invalid license is a fine-only Class C misdemeanor.HB 2147 would repeal the enhancement to a Class B misdemeanor for the offense of driving with an invalid license if the person was previously convicted for the same offense or did not have valid insurance at the time the offense occurred. Read More
HB 2001 87(R) - 2021 HB 2001 would allow the Texas Public Safety Commission to modify a discharge order for an officer and award back pay for all or part of the period during which a commissioned officer was suspended without pay. The bill also allows a commissioned officer who is the subject of a disciplinary action to present testimony and evidence to to the commission at a hearing on the appeal.Read More
HB 1401 87(R) - 2021 HB 1401 would permit a person to send an application for sealing juvenile court records through secure electronic means. Court clerks would also be permitted to send copies of an order sealing juvenile court records through secure electronic means.Read More
SB 1486 87(R) - 2021 SB 1486 would prohibit a city or county government from adopting or enforcing juvenile curfew ordinances except as authorized under an emergency management order. Read More
HB 1591 87(R) - 2021 HB 1591 exempts cremation-only funeral establishments from some location restrictions that require a columbarium to be located in cemeteries or at churches, colleges, or universities. A columbarium is a "durable, fireproof structure, or a room or other space in a durable, fireproof structure, containing niches and used or intended to be used to contain cremated remains."Read More
HB 1480 87(R) - 2021 HB 1480 would create new criminal offense under Agriculture Code for a variety of property related actions including:(1) intentionally releasing, stealing, destroying, or otherwise causing the loss of an animal or crop from an animal or crop facility without the consent of the owner or operator of the animal or crop facility.(2) damaging, vandalizing, or stealing any property on or from an animal or crop facility.(3) breaking and entering...Read More
HB 1302 87(R) - 2021 Under current law, school districts and campuses must be evaluated based on three domains of indicators of achievement. One of those domains is the Student Achievement Domain. HB 1302 would add new indicators of achievement for elementary, middle, and junior high schools to be considered when making an evaluation of a school district or campus for purposes of the public school accountability system. The bill would also add an indicator...Read More
HB 1457 87(R) - 2021 HB 1457 would extend the authority of the board of regents of The University of Texas System to prescribe courses and conduct certain graduate programs at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center jointly with The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston to include graduate programs separately established at the health science center and related to the broad fields encompassed in population and public health.Read More
HB 461 87(R) - 2021 HB 461 would prioritize the execution of warrants for individuals on the super-intensive supervision program who violate a term of their parole. Read More
HB 3925 87(R) - 2021 HB 3925 would repeal Section 552.006(b), Transportation Code which states that if a sidewalk is not provided, a pedestrian walking along and on a highway shall if possible walk on the left side of the roadway; or the shoulder of the highway facing oncoming traffic.Read More
SB 2115 87(R) - 2021 SB 2115 addresses situations in which a licensing board of a healthcare profession receives a complaint about a professional who is licensed by a different board. In that situation the board that receives the complaint would be required to forward the complaint on to the appropriate licensing board and would not be allowed to take disciplinary action unless the licensing entity that issued the license refers the complaint back to the entity...Read More
HB 1049 87(R) - 2021 HB 1049 would permit a person that was reappointed as a deputy sheriff or constable to perform the duties of the office before retaking the required oath. Such a person would be required to retake the oath as soon as possible.Read More
SB 1895 87(R) - 2021 SB 1895 would revise the statute of limitations for "fertility fraud" complaints to the Texas Medical Board involving an alleged violation by a health care services provider who, in the course of performing an assisted reproduction procedure on the other person, uses human reproductive material from a donor knowing that the patient has not expressly consented to the use of material from that donor. The current statute of limitations...Read More
SB 1856 87(R) - 2021 SB 1856 would apply only to a student enrolled in an accredited school or program to become a licensed vocational nurse and is participating in a clinical program at a licensed facility. The services provided by such students would be considered essential services at all times in Texas, even during a state of disaster. SB 1856 would prevent a government entity from prohibiting such a student from providing essential services. Read More
SB 640 87(R) - 2021 SB 640 would establish an advisory committee to operate within the Health and Human Services Commission for the purpose of conducting a study designed to assess the interoperability needs and technology readiness of behavioral health service providers in Texas. SB 640 would require the membership to consist of at least five members appointed by the board of trustees.SB 640's study would analyze the technological and programmatic needs...Read More